Facebook Fan pages are an extremely important tool for Facebook marketing, but too many people use them incorrectly. If you don’t use a fan page the right way, it’s not going to be very effective for marketing.
One thing you must realize about Facebook is that the typical user does not respond well to in-your-face aggressive marketing. Someone joins a fan page because they are interested in the subject, not because they are hoping to receive a ton of advertisements.
In order to get people to join your fan page and pay attention to it, there must be a purpose. That purpose should be something that is beneficial to those who join, not just to your own business.
Many people join fan pages to leave feedback about products or services they really like or really hate. Make sure you give them the opportunity to do that, and try not to censor posts too much. Facebook users are extremely sensitive to censoring, and they will notice if you delete negative posts.
If possible, use your fan page for things like contests, giveaways, discounts and coupons. This will get people to pay more attention to your facebook fan page, because it will give them a reason to visit your fan page often.
Encourage users to share your fan page with their friends. This will help you get more fans without having to request that people join directly. People are much more likely to join a fan page if it is recommended by a friend than if they are asked to join by whoever runs the fan page.
Don’t neglect your facebook fan pages! Always interact with fans. Answer their questions, post interesting links, and stay active. People won’t keep visiting your fan page if they feel it has been abandoned, so make sure you stay very active and check it for activity every day.
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